Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Are You A Hoarder?

I watched Oprah Show last week. She talked about hoarders. Believe it or not, those kind of people exist in our society. They hoard things are not necessary to buy. The guest was a lady who liked to shop every day. Gosh.. She could not stop herself. They showed the audiences how her house were full of things, from the living room to garage. To make a long story short, the reason behind her habit was she lost her brother and sister, and to fill the emptiness in her heart, she went shopping.

Okay, this is a psychological matter. When we feel lonesome, sometimes we just can't control ourselves from doing something. Believe me, some people get pleasure by going shopping, eating, and even doing something stupid like smoking pot.

But no matter what,I can't agree with it. I always spend money carefully. Thank God so does my husband :) Sometimes, we just look like a cheapskate couple. LOL. We're NOT. Definitely not! We don't buy things if we don't need it. I'd rather see numbers grow in the bank than spend it on unnecessary things.LOL.

Seriously, If we get trapped in this situation, think of this simple question:
Do I really need to buy it? If yes, why do I need it? If we don't need it, then FORGET IT.
There's no point to spend money on stuff we don't need when we can spend it for other things. Am I correct?

Monday, August 2, 2010

Materialistic Men, Do They Exist?

People used to associate women with materialism.Even Madonna had a song called Materialistic Girl. But, the world has changed. I bet you can find more and more men around you have become more materialistic than women. I've seen and heard a few of them.

Some of them break up with their girlfriends just because they are pursuing richer ones. They don't care how they have hurt their ex GF's feelings.What they care about is money. How they can rest assure for the rest of their lives without worrying about money. Everything is about and money... I call this kind of men f***ing JERK, and I call those stupid women MORON. Moron if they've already known what kind of men they were dating and they got married eventually.

Once it happened that a man who had a rich girlfriend was trying to "fish out a bigger fish in a pond." You know what I mean? He was trying to get a richer girl. At last, his girlfriend was aware of it and they broke up. I was stunned, speechless because I know both of them. But,thank God that girl didn't get married with her ex jerk boyfriend.

I wonder what will happen to those men if their wives' families declare bankruptcy? lose their houses, money, everything? Are they gonna divorce their wives and go find another rich women? I believe some of them will.

C'est la vie..